How to get the Swift Zulian Tiger Mount?
Swift Zulian Tiger was originally available in Classic WoW, this mount used to drop from :
High Priest Thekal in the Zul Gurub Classic instance.
The only way of getting this tiger in Dragonflight is through the Black Market Auction House.
Can Account Sharing in WoW get me banned?
The short answer would be no, by using the latest technology our shop provides premium VPN protection for boosters to use.
We can ensure 0% ban rates and perfect safety for your account by matching the IP Address to your country of residence.
Do i need to have gold to do the bidding?
No, you do not need any gold on your account.
Our service provides you with the necessary gold to win this item.
Is the Swift Zulian Tiger Mount still Available?
This elusive mount can still be obtained in Dragonflight WoW, through the Black Market AH.
Keep in mind that it requires serious patience, dedication and luck.
This mount rarely goes for anything below Gold cap which is 9999k gold, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.
When was Swift Zulian Tiger Removed from the game?
Swift Zulian Tiger was removed from the game during Patch 4.0.3a in November 2010, which was the introduction to Cataclysm content.
It would be later introduced back into the game during the WoD Expansion, through the BMAH system.
How does BMAH bidding work?
BMAH Bidding is done when the timer is 30 minutes or less (Short status), each bid increases the price by 5% & prevents the end of the auction by 5 minutes.
Account Sharing : We log on your account, wait until the timer reaches ”short” and start our bidding.
Self Play : We find your desired item, prepare the gold and message you to set it up.
You will be required to log in when the status of the timer turns ”short”.