How to get the Rivendare's Deathcharger Mount?
- Rivendare’s Deathcharger is a ultra rare dungeon drop, it has a chance of dropping from Lord Aurius Rivendare in the Stratholme dungeon.
- Deathcharger’s Reins mount is available through the Black Market Auction House, it’s by far the easiest method of unlocking it.
- The dungeon was released during Classic World of Warcraft, it is possible to solo in Dragonflight.
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- The short answer would be no, by using the latest technology our shop provides premium VPN protection for boosters to use.
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Do i need to have gold to do the bidding?
- No, you do not need any gold on your account.
- Our service provides you with the necessary gold to win this item.
What is the Deathcharger's Reins Drop Rate?
- Rivendare’s Deathcharger is estimated to have a drop rate of less than 0.9%, this awesome mount drops after looting the final boss Lord Aurius Rivendare.
- This insanely low drop rate makes this one of the rarest, and sought-after mounts in the game.
- The easiest way of obtaining the Stratholme Mount in 2023 is through Black Market Auction House services.
Where is the Stratholme Dungeon Entrance?
The Portal to Stratholme is located in Northern part of the Eastern Plaguelands Zone. The fastest way to get to the Dungeon is:
- Horde players can use the portal to Undercity in Orgrimmar, and head East to reach the Stratholme Dungeon Entrance.
- Alliance characters can fly to Eastern Plaguelands from Ironforge.
Yoruichi S. (Verified Order) –
I wanted this mount and they got it for me thank you